Okay so I remember a bunch of super sick stuff happened this week but I cant remember a lot of it. Hopefully it will come back to me as I type haha.
Monday was basic p-day I guess. We had dinner with Bishop Pauga, man he is so funny. He just hated on his kids for making salad and healthy food. When we shared our message about the 2000 stripling warriors being taught by their mothers to be strong in the gospel. Bishop then said he would blame his wife and all the mothers in the ward if any youth fell away. haha hes crazy.Tuesday was our zone meeting. The Hurtadop house acted out the second chapter of Alma, I wish I had the video to send we went all out it was legit. We were able to see a Samoan less active that we had never met before. She beleive that she is literal flesh and blood of Heavenly Father (like JEsus Christ material) and that the bible took place in the high desert/apple valley area. sooo yea she cray.Wednesday we saw brother Iloilo whom I had never met before. He doesnt come to church because everyone in his house is JW or 7th day Aventist and he doesnt want tension. Anyway this guy is freakin huge! He was a security guard at the Superbowl. We saw the Rosales' as well, we had challenged the kids to read a chapter a day last week and only one of them did it, so when their Samoan grandparents heard they tore them a new one it was hilarious.Thursday we taught a lesson with our gator Shanae, she had a ton of questions that we answered and she defs felt the spirit. All-in-all it was super good. Other than that a few uneventful LA visitsFriday we did service at the Mau'u home, we helped them lay sod and plant some bushes. They are a super cool family. We also saw the Jacksons (Samoan), they are super funny, dang these Samoan kids are legit so crazy.Saturday was furshur the highlight of the week. For 3 hours Bednar was teachin us the most legit stuff. It was super cool because he didnt just talk he had us asking questions and stuff. I'll be straight up, from General COnference and pics of him you would think he was super stern but this guy was crackin jokes right and left. I wish I could write everything he said it was so awesome. here is a word-for-word quote or two, "Hey idiot! you are turning off the flashlight!" while using the flashlight as a metaphor for the spirit and we dont read our scriptures. He also sat everyone down by talking about how people say they dont have time to go to church or read their scriptures, he said, "everyone has the same amount of time in each day." haha then he said #firstworldproblems (minus the hashtag)He also said most sacrament meeting talks are super crumby and he doesnt like listening to them. Haha all in all it was one of the top moments on the mission. Then he straight up gave us a prophetic warning and prophecy. But he told us not even to bother trying to describe it over email so I guess you guys are out of luck!Anyway, sunday was normal, but we had a ton of LA Samoans at church which was awesome! Also all the kids call testimony meeting "shoutout" meeting becuase everyone just thanks the ward for helping them.But yea, thats my week. It was awesome.Hope you all had/have a good week!Elder Ockey

Saturday, March 19, 2016
Week 29
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