This week went really well, we had a bunch of meetings it was a struggle though.
Monday was your basic P-day, b-ball at the church with all the missionaries. Our zone changed a lot, there are only about 4 missionaries that stayed from last transfer (including me) but it was cool meeting new missionaries since I've been stuck in Ontario this whole time :(
Tuesday was your basic d-meet. We taught a few lessons to potentials and contacted a bit. We tried by a less active in the family ward but there was a bunch of police at his house so we dipped out real quick haha. awko taco.
Wednesday there was a world wide missionary training in the morning. It was pretty cool, apparently the last one was 10 years ago. They had a bunch of discussions with missionaries and the some of the 12 apostles and the seventy which was interesting. We switched areas last week with our ward mate (idk if I already said this but oh well) so we tried stopping by some people in our new area to get to know them better.
Thursday we went to the food bank because we couldnt on wednesday and the spanish elders needed our help. it was pretty basic day other than that. taught some people, met some people, spread the good word.
Friday a memeber from the family ward took us out to brekkie which was sweet! We have been blessed with the meals recently, less empty days and less pizza. I am so grateful haha. But then we had a zone conference with president and sister Hobbs at the mission office. it was about 4 hours which was killer, we sit around enough on sunday jeez. But it was good, we had some good discussions.
Saturday we had exchanges with some other elders. Elder Ludwig came over here again, we had brekkie with a YSA in the morning at 10 so we went over and his mom fed us and he didnt show up till 11:30... awkward. anyway other than that all of our appointments fell through and we were late to exchanging back because we got stopped by some dude who just wanted to bash, we just stood there while he talked for about 40 minutes, it was awful. I had so much I wanted to say but I hate getting into arguments. sigh*
SUnday was another struggle. This time we were there for 10 hours, though we could have been there longer ebcause the YSA had a fireside but we choose not to because we were there for 10 flippin hours. In one sunday we are there for the time equivalent to 3 weeks worth of church.... #thestruggle
But yea that is my week.
Love you all!
Elder Ockey
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