

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 8

Ive been out for almost two months now, thats kind of crazy, 1/12ish of the way done! 

Transfer calls were on saturday, most of our zone is staying the same, my comp and I are staying in the family ward/YSA branch. This is the first time my comp has stayed somewhere for more than two transfers so I broke his 'curse' haha. 

I forgot my planner with all the wierd/awesome stuff that happened this week so its all gonna be a jumble and I'll probably miss a lot but I will try my best to get it all. First of all the only music we have is an efy cd that the sisters before us left in the apt so its all music about building confidence and wierd stuff like that, its awful but its all we have so we go all out singing it in wierd voices and such. This ended up being sort of awkward because I felt like having the window down after visiting an investigator and when we were singing we looked over and she was just looking at us laughing at the stop light, soooooo, super awkward. 

The temp has been sort of mild, only in the high twenties recently, but its supposed to cool down. I keep dropping hints in my letters to the President about seeing snow for Christmas haha. This week we sort of hit a wall, we ended up looking for an ice-cream truck for a full hour because it was so hot haha. Also instead of weekly planning we ground up a bunch of herbal sleeping pills and put it in cookies and fed them to our ward mates haha, we are super apostate. But then we saw this huge beetle on our prch which ended up being dead, but it was nasty huge like bigger than my thumb, not including the legs, so we incased it in jello and gave it to the ZL who was leaving as a memento to remember us. Wow as I write this down I realize how little missionary work we did that day, oh well. 

This week is super packed and promising so we are going to make up for that day of doing nothing. 

Yea thats about it that I can remember, I'll include more in next week I promise.

Elder Ockey

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