
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Week 90
hey fam!
Ill take advantage and let the pics tell the story.
Great week! We went to the temple with Sergio to do baptisms for the dead it was
Do you like our ride?
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Week 89
Greetings readers, whomever that may be
SO I'm getting lazy in terms of writing, but just so you know. its been a good week!
Called the fam yesterday that was a trip, Happy mothers day mom and all mothers!
Happy Birthday Father! Its his birthday tomorrow! 🎂🎊
We found a few solid gators this week so and we got some nice return appts all next week. I'm really excited!
We finally got a Café Rio in the mission(😋), we hit it up after zone conference on Wednesday, good to see all the mission pals.
DO you like our garden? I planted an apple seed and we planted some chia seeds, its turned into a nice pillow.
pce fam! <3
Monday, May 8, 2017
Week 88
Oh fam! I didnt see you there. what a pleasant surprise!
This week went by suuuper quick, sadly in terms of missionary work it was a little slow.
But thats okay, We built some member relationships which were lacking hardcore in this ward.
Lets see, we helped some new members move in from Upland, they are super cool and they invited us to a bbq next week so that should be a lot of fun.
We walked a looooooot I think my shoes are about to have no soles left on em. We tried by a bunch of referrals and formers that are in the sisters area but they wont go visit them so they passed them off to us (darn sister missionaries 🙄) and it took us 2 hours to get there. painful. Even more painful is that nobody answered the door. Ug
There was a ward party on friday, we helped cook all the food for a taco eating contest, it was super crazy! I tried fam but I failed, I only ate 8 tacos. Schenk and Bishops son, Tyler, kept going though and ended eating 20 and 17 respectively. It was pretty awful to watch.
Its been cooling off here like crazy, apparently 'Grey May' is a thing here. It was about 15 Celsius and I was freezing! My blood has thinned out so much I am ashamed of myself.
Other than that we have had a few good lessons with Angel and a few other Gators, nothing super note worthy though.
Week 87
The general epistle of Elder Ockey to the fam and friends in Calgary
1. Elder Ockey, called to be a disciple of Christ, and our brother Elder Schenk
2. To the members of the church in Calgary, or wherever they may be. Who are Sanctified in Christ Jesus and called his Holy people, together with all those who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
3. Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
4. Behold, I write unto you concerning the welfare of your brethren and sisters in the Church at the city of Ontario California
5. For behold my heart is filled with joy for the progression of the saints in this land, yet I feel sorrowful for the stiffneckedness of the people who are not of the Church of Christ
6. haha that sucks writing like that, how did Paul do it?
Anyway this week has been super cool. we were pretty busy, We lost contact with Tommy so thats a bummer, we are trying really hard to see him, he had a ton of potential.
A family invited us over to dinner with their non-member friend on tuesday. It ended up being us, them, another family in the ward, another guy our age all teaching their friend. It may have been alittle overwhelming for her but the spirit was there! We should see them again this week, should be good because she has a lot of member friends and support.
We were the judges for the youth activity this wednesday, it was an Iron Chef challenge. Kinda scary trusting these boisterous youths cook us meat. It ended up being good, except for a bacon wrapped hotdog with sketchily undercooked bacon. No parasites as of yet so we doin good!
We had a lesson with Angel after the youth activity, he is a friend of the bishops son (idk if ive talked about him yet) but he is prey chill. The lessons go well and Tyler (bishops son) is really good at testifying. We also taught him on sunday so hes doing really well. His parents are sceptical about his intent but he has told us that he wants to serve a mission which is dope! He just gotta show that #realintent to his parents.
Sergio got ordained to the office of priest yesterday! soo legit! Hes super cool. He feeds us the most out of everyone in the ward haha!
Thats about it folks.
7. And thus I close mine epistle
8. Peace be unto the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
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